Project highlights
The market research took place at Intrinsiq in Ghent, behind a one-way-mirror to enable other researchers to watch the research itself, and evaluate it.
“Market research and Concept Testing in Virtual Reality”
Realtime decisions
Market researchers told us they felt they got more visceral and unfiltered answers out of subjects. They also got to see and follow the shopping process upclose, being able to directly witness decisions being made in realtime in context and even to intervene and ask questions.
“Getting real, unfiltered answers out of people”
VR excitement
Subjects were just as excited to partake in this new approach, and even thanked us multiple times for the experience! Usually, we have to pay them to keep coming back... but that’s past tense, we guess.
“More engaging content.”
We gave the participants tasks to carry out in different retail concepts to find out which ones performed best functionally and why. Participants clearly appreciated the overview, structure and the ease of finding different pieces of meat quickly and intuitively that one of the concepts provided for them. On the other hand, the feeling of rest and quality, which OKay shoppers value, that was found in another concept, was also much appreciated. OKay, Achilles and their designers now had enough insights to finalise the touchpoints with confidence as to their functional and emotional requirements.